For one of our upcoming SCA events, I made Kaelyn and myself matching dresses in green linen. Between the two of them, there are thirty-four hand-sewn eyelets. Kaelyn's, of course, is the cutest.
Most of the resources I used in creating my patterns are readily available online. The exception is most of Kaelyn's garb, as I made it up on the fly.
First of all, there is my leine (underdress), featuring ridiculously large bag sleeves. I relied heavily on this article when I made it two years ago. Since then, it has served me well. The first year, it was comfortable maternity garb, the second year, I cut nursing slits in the pleats, and this year, I finally made the dress to go over it.
The bodice I drafted using this method, but I found the pattern to be extremely loose around the waist, and much too short. As a result, I had to alter my pattern significantly to get the desired result before I started the dress itself.
The coifs I made under the inspiration of this article. Long had I wanted to make one, but I couldn't quite figure out how to pattern it and get a good fit. It never occurred to me to drape the brim, as she does... so she made that happen. I made the brim of both coifs on the fold, since I think this creates a neater front edge. I used the same size circle for the back part of both coifs, so Kaelyn's looks much poofier.
Kaelyn's chemise I made with raglan sleeves and elastic at the neck and wrists, for ease of dressing a squirmy toddler.
I also made removable sleeves for Kaelyn, since there's no way of accurately predicting how the weather will be. I patterned them based off of sleeves of a jacket she has, and sewed a ribbon directly to the top of each sleeve, so that I don't have to worry about her losing them, or sewing four more eyelets.
Now all that really needs to be made is a pair of shoes for Kaelyn, but as it is, she just may end up wearing sparkly sneakers or going barefoot, depending on the weather.